Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
The following signs marked a small magnificant Hour (not the sign of), not just write a unique sign (the sign of the other like we often hear like legalizing Zina, women like men, LAI, etc.) I do not write
Menggembungnya months have said the Messenger of Allah, "is among the doomsday approach is menggembungnya crescent (the beginning of the month)" dishahihkan AlBaani Ash Shahihah number in 2292 in history the other said "between neighborhood is the Day of Resurrection is that people will see the crescent as previous , Then people will say one of the forms for two nights and the mosque will be the place to go for road and the expansion of sudden death "(Ash Shahiihah Albanian 2292)
Incredible ... a crescent counted twice!, now awakened humanity almost always contend crescent to determine the night, Shawwal and idhul Adha .. inter ru'yat not see it the same way, between different calculation methods calculated .... shodaqo rasuuhul kariim
Many market is rasuluillah said: "Calamity will stand almost alone when many deceitful act, the period (of time) will be very fast and the market will close the market (because of the large number of cell)" (Ibn legitimate Hibban)
Look now, where there is a market where more and more malls, supermarkets where where ....
Women participate in work as men ramallah said: "in the gate Hour orang2 will only say to the people of the special (known) and the development of the business so that women participate as her husband (work / trade)" Harest Sahih lighairihi Ahmad
Now, because the emancipation of women, women who work have been correct ... shodaqo rasuuhul kariim
Police said the large number of rasululah: I do charity shalih you come before 6 of the case: the government ignorant people, many police, the seller or the purchase LEGAL DEPARTMENT, look puny against the blood, the termination comes, the man who made the al qir'an as the flute, where they appoint a priest for prayer jamaah so he can see the beauty in reading the Koran, although he at least to Faqihannya. "Musnad Ahmad, At-Thabrani, Ash Shaihhah Albanian 979
Human bermegah will build a mosque in perky ramallah said "will not beridir until doomsday mansia proud proud of the mosque" (Harest legitimate musnad Ahmad3: 134145, An Nasa'i 2:32, 449 Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah 779) in the said place on the ramallah "I was not sent to the mosque menjulangkan mosque" (Sunan legitimate gray dawud: 448)
a similar situation, majestic mosques mosque seakarang correct .. is beautiful
Become followers of the Jewish and Christian tradition has ramallah said: "Truly you will follow the road of life people before you, NEVER by the neck, sehasta for the sehasta (with different skills), so even if they enter into a hole lizards, then you will enter the" Friends ask : Messenger of Allah, whether people will follow us are Jews and Christians, the Prophet said: Who is More (if not them)?
shodaqo rasuuhul kariim ... people have become followers of the west ... warning the new year, Valentine's day, warning anniversary, fans of democracy, human rights, positive law and so forth ...
Iraq boycotted the food and detained from ramallah said: "almost not allowed to be brought food to the country of Iraq secupak (qafizh) food or a Dirham, we (friend) asked people who ajam (non-Arab) that much to do this and then he said:" almost brought not only food or a dinar to the people of Syam (palestine, France, lebanon, yordandan nearby) and ask friends "ready to do that ayang ramallah yes?" people RUM (Roman: United States-Europe)
Actually this is a sign of the most incredible, because until now has over boycotted by the United States since the gulf war and have suffered Syam kekuarangan food, in jajah israel palestine Jewish .. and .. terkepungnya over after this and Syam .. and after the war dhasyat PALESTINIAN then, the signs will mark the emergence of a great friend Mahdi, Dajjal secretion and decrease Isa Al Still
Turkey will fight Iraq ramallah said: "ummatku from a group of people will descend on a low, which they call the Bashrah on the edge of a river named Dajlah. And when the end of the era has come datangkah Banu Qanthura (they are the people turkey), which faced wide and small-eyed, so they descend on the river bank, then terpecahlah population into 3 groups, a busy cow to cow them (look busy property) and they will be destroyed, and one of the groups they will consider themselves and they have disbelieved, and a group of them will make their children and grandchildren behind them and fight them, it is the martyr "(The beautiful No Ahmad and Abu Dawud (4138)
In May 1997 before people have started fishing turkey MANCING feud over the issue, and they generate problems that created a problem around the water in the river Eufrat turkey and the people that make agreements with Israel and the United States and conduct joint military exercise with the purpose of attack iraq, iran and France, and at that time also attacked Turkey over the northern part of the reason for menghjajar Kurdish tribes .. we wait what will happen later ..
Earth Arabs will return to the gardens and garden river rivers have ramallah, "will not stand up to the Day of Resurrection property aakan more abundant and so the return of Arab land to be cultivated gardens and rivers rivers" (Ahmad and Muslim)
Arab countries and currently has a garden! and its many rivers .. didaerah tha'if even ice has decreased grain and the Pilgrimage season yesterday susuhu cold about about 5 degrees centigrade ... no longer hot
War with the Jews: it does not happen until doomsday oranng people berperagn with Jews, Jews and people hiding under rocks and trees, and rocks and trees were said to the people awakened "here there are Jews, then kill it" (Fathul Bari ', Al Manaqib, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar)
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
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