Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seven indicators happy in the World

Ibn Abbas ra. is a friend of the Prophet PBUH is to keep persevering in serving the dawn, where he had specifically didoakan dawn, more than that at the age of 9 years Ibn Abbas has memorize Al-Quran and has been a priest at the mosque. One day he was asked by the Tabi'in (wafatnya generation after dawn) on the definition of what handsel world. Answer Ibn Abbas, there are 7 (seven) indicators of happiness the world, namely:

First, Qalbun syakirun or heart always be grateful.

People have always mean happily accept what the (qona'ah), so there is no excessive ambition, no stress, this delectation for the heart always be grateful. A clever, very clever grateful to understand characteristics of good deeds, so that any given God, he stunned even with the decision and God.

When you are in trouble and he immediately remember the word dawn namely:
"If we are difficult to see that people from our more difficult." When you are given the ease, multiply it with charity ibadahnya, then God will mengujinya with greater ease again. If he remains "hard" with continued assertions that God will mengujinya again with greater ease again.

But the clever grateful!

Second. Al azwaju shalihah, the partner who sholeh.

Couples who live sholeh will create the atmosphere of home and family, which also sholeh. Later in the Hereafter a husband (as a priest, the family) will be asked to take responsibility in his wife and children to kesholehan. Key to become a wife when the husband has sholeh, who will work hard to bring his wife and children to become a Muslim who sholeh. Similarly, a wife who sholeh, will have the patience and sincerity in serving exceptional husband, despite how bad of her husband's behavior. So exciting to be a husband who has a wife who sholeh.

Third, al auladun Abrar, namely that children soleh.

When dawn Circumambulation again. The dawn meeting with a young child who chafed pundaknya-scuffed. After Circumambulation dawn to ask young people is: "Why is pundakmu?" Answer the child is young: "O Messenger of Allah, I'm from Yemen, I have a mother who is udzur. I really love him and I never release him. I renounce my mother only when dispose of intent, when praying, or when the rest, other than that I always carrying the rest. " Then the young people that ask: "O Messenger of Allah, whether it is included into the people who have been kind to parents?"
The Prophet said while young people embrace it and says: "Allah dev thee, thou soleh children, children who serve, but my son know, I will not orangtuamu the terbalaskan." Harest from the picture that we get our religious charity was not enough to give love and goodness our parents, but at least we can start with a child who soleh, where the prayers of children to their parents sholeh guaranteed, it is God. Exciting when we have children who sholeh.

Fourth, albiatu sholihah, namely a conducive environment for our faith.

The definition of a conducive environment is, we can know anyone but to make it as a crony us, must be people who have added value to our faith. In a haditsnya, Messenger always encourage us to interacting with people who sholeh. Those who sholeh will always good to invite and remind us when we do wrong.

Sholeh people were happy because they favor and the favor of Islamic faith that always radiated light in the face. Insya Allah, the light will illuminate part of those who are around.

Key people are always surrounded by people who sholeh.

Fifth, al malul halal, or lawful property is.

Paradigm in Islam is not about wealth but many property halalnya. This does not mean that Islam does not prescribe for his rich.
In the history of Imam Muslim in the chapter sadaqoh, met the dawn with a friend who raise their hands to pray. "You pray to have good," said the Prophet said, "But my food, beverages and clothing and a place to stay obtained illegal, it is how the piano." Key to become the lawful property piano because it is very easy to God. The lawful property will also keep the devil from the heart, the heart is clean, holy and strong, so give tranquility in his life. But those who always carefully guard kehalalan property.

Sixth, Tafakuh fi Dien, or to understand the spirit of religion.

Understand the spirit of religion expressed in the sciences to understand Islam. The more he learned, the more he inflame to learn more knowledge about the attributes of God and His creation.

God promises a favor for his people that demands knowledge, the more they learn the religion to love it, the higher the adoration to God and his messengers. It is this love which will give light to his heart.

Understand the spirit of religion to be "alive" a heart, liver, which "life" is always a light favor of Islamic faith and favor. But people who fully understand the spirit of Islam.

Seventh, the age of baroqah.

Age baroqah that it means that the older age more sholeh, that every second is filled with religious charities. Someone who lives for the world's only happiness, the day fathers will be filled with many Nostalgia (The fancy) on the read, iapun tend ketuaannya disappointed with the (post-power syndrome). Besides living focused on how to enjoy the rest of his life, so busy are iapun-world notion of pleasure that he had not yet felt, heart disappointed when he can not afford to enjoy the pleasures diangankannya. Meanwhile, people who fill many with age prepare for the Hereafter (through religious charities), so the older he is longing to meet with the resultant. Fathers day filled with bermesraan with the Most refused. Takutnya no sense to leave this world, even full of hope, he immediately felt for the natural beauty of the next life as God promised. This is the spirit of "live" people who baroqah age, the exciting people aged baroqah.

That is the message from Ibn Abbas ra. 7 indicators of happiness about the world.

How can we dikaruniakan God to the seven indicators of the world's happiness? In addition we endeavor to improve themselves, then ask Allah SWT as often and with as a "prayer may be read Zagat` broom ', namely prayer, which most often read by dawn. Where is the first line of the prayer "Rabbanaa aatina farzana Dun-hasanaw Hope" (which means "O Allah karuniakanlah world's happiness"), meaning that we have is to ask God to the seven indicators of happiness that the world is Ibn Abbas ra, which is always a fortunately, a partner soleh, soleh children, friends or the environment soleh, the lawful property, the spirit to understand the teachings of religion, age and the baroqah.

Although we admit it difficult to get the seventh it is in our hands, at least if we get some of it is I should we.

Meanwhile, the continuation of prayer brooms are Zagat "of anomalouswave aakhirati hasanaw" (which means "happiness and also the Hereafter"), but for the grace of God. Hereafter happiness is not a paradise but the grace of God, love of God. Paradise is only a small part of the Mercy of God, we enter heaven not because we soleh charity, but because of God's mercy.

Charitable soleh that we do throughout our lives (albeit every day fasting and prayer night) is not enough to get tickets go to Heaven. Charitable soleh sesempurna whatever we do our whole life is not comparable with the favor of heaven that God promised.

The words of Prophet PBUH, "Amal soleh that you do not enter it to heaven." Then the friend asked: "How do you with the Messenger of Allah?". Answer the dawn: "Charity soleh I had also not enough." Then the friend asked again: "If so with what we go to Heaven?". Saw the return of Prophet said: "We can enter Paradise only because of God's mercy and goodness only."

So our prayer, fasting, the taqarub our God is not to heaven but to get the mercy of God. With the grace of God that we have the Garden of Allah (Allah, Syrian officials).

Source note: lectures Ustad Aam fogozosexual, LC. in Sapporo, Japan,
disarikan freely by Mr. The Asep Permana

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