Monday, December 8, 2008

Characteristics Of Father

A Muslim is necessarily reflect the future with non-invesment do with the stock portfolio, 401K, a house or saving accounts, but with shodaqoh jariyah, disseminate useful knowledge, and to build a children sholeh-ah. The third event was included in this education process and especially children, many of the Deli we have had a child, so I summarize to 6 on the personality characteristics of an ideal father.

1. Keteladanan (for example)

One morning, my surprise when I saw how putriku the Sounds. He entered his feet directly into the shoes without removing the strap. Apparently he is considering how to wear my shoes. Because lazy to open the knot shoelace, I often use without opening the knot binding and lace. I try to give an explanation melarangnya with bhw how to wear shoes like that can quickly lead to broken shoes. But the results naught. This is an example of real bhw children, especially early on, it's easy to imitate their parents. No matter whether it is right or wrong. Advice, we do not serve, if we keep doing what we Disallow.

Do we have to provide the best example to our children? Are we more often watching TV than reading the Al-Quran or other books that useful? Are we more often eat while standing and the road than sitting with Basmallah read? Are we praying late with haste than praying right time? Are we reading a letter that it is only?

Allah SWT said in the letter ash-shaff 61:2-3:

"O those who believe, why you say what you do not? It is most hateful in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not."

Allah SWT also reminded not to conduct oneself as Banu Israil in the films in the Al-Baqoroh 2:44

"Why do you order other people (do) good, you are forgetting oneself (liabilities) your own, when you read the Scripture (Torah)? Will not you think?"

2. Love it and

Warmth, tenderness, affection and heartfelt is the important basis for the education of children. Children early not know what name, but with fitrahnya they can interview. Lihatnya how riangnya highlight the eyes and hands and feet movement of a baby when her mother will embrace and menyusuinya with affection. Kecilpun baby is able to capture shape the face that always provides warmth, tenderness and affection with sincere, especially those who have been larger.

Dawn on many ahadith described as a father figure, uncle, grandfather or the resurrection reveal the love and unfortunately the heartfelt to children. An interesting story is told by al-Haitsami in Majma'uz Zawa'id from Abu Laila.

He said: "I was near dawn. At that time I saw al-Hasan and Hussain al-digendong he is. One of them urinating in his chest and stomach. Water kencingnya run, and I approached him. Dawn said, 'Let the second son, you do not disturb them until he finished hajatnya release'. Then the dawn, telling the water. " In the history of other said, 'Do not make haste release hajatnya'.

How do with us? We arrive say that our heartfelt devotion to our children today?

3. Fair

Who has never heard the word sibling rivalry and favoritism? If you have not heard, then know! Who we know, including people who have done so. Often we stuck by our feelings so we just do not apply, for example, because our children are more obedient than one child or another because we prefer girls than boys, etc..

Messenger PBUH said: "Valid adillah you among children in giving." (HR Bukhari)

The problem of justice is to be preventing the emergence of hatred between brothers. Experts in child education researchers conclusion that the most dominant factors that cause a sense of envy / envious in children is the brother of one pengutamaan among other relatives.

Children are very sensitive to changes in the behavior of himself. If we loose control, as soon as possible to improve, because children can be treated unfairly road feud with his brother or isolate themselves (self-closing and self-low).

4. Socially and Communication

Often, we are in a room with the children, but we do not mingle and communicate with them. We asyiik read newspapers, they asyiik playing video games or watching TV.

Many ahadith that describe how the proximity association with the dawn of children and adolescents. He jokes and play with them.

How can we have a busy studying while working plus' ngurusin 'IMSA (** ** smile)? Where there is a time for chatting with the children? It is time, if we know the strategy. For example, while children play accompany the CD in the computer education, we can explain how to / playing, and give examples briefly, then we can leave. Similarly, reading books and other games. Repotnya some fathers who do not want to gather with children, especially towards the adults who fear losing influence or kharismanya. This view is mistaken. The more we try to keep the right balance, that means we should not be too rigid in holding power and charisma, but also can not be too loose.

5. In the wise create

Messenger PBUH said: "... Perish people over ..." (HR Muslim).

So the method in the most wise to educate and guide the children is a consistent and mid - balanced, which is not exempt as child-free and not mengekangnya; not too often laud, but also not too often mencelanya. When the father ordered something to the children, the father should do so with wisdom, loving, and do not forget the joke membumbuinya necessary. Explain the benefits and wisdom, so that the children motivated to do so. Do not forget to also consider the condition of children in implementing the command or rule.

Imam Ibn al-Jauzi said that the need to train personal tenderness, the stages of the condition that one condition to another, do not apply violence, and uphold the principles of mixing between the enticements and threats.

6. Pray

The prophets always prayed and begged God for the good of his descendants.

"And (remember) when Abraham said:" Lord, make this country (Mecca), the country is secure, and Feel cucuku children and their worship of idols. "(Ibrahim: 35)" Praise be to Allah who has menganugrahkan to me in the old days (my) Ismail and Ishaq. Indeed, my Lord, truly hears (allow) the prayers. Yes, my Lord, I cucuku children and those who remain to establish prayer. Our Lord, doaku Allow. "(Abraham :39-40)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting Addition!
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