Friday, November 28, 2008


In the process of education in Indonesia in general, there is still a gender bias or partiality. Gender is a concept used in identifying the parameters of the role of men and women based on the influence of social-cultural community (social contruction) with no view of the biological and equality as a tool pendiskriminasian one of the parties because of considerations that are biological. Men more dominant in selecting majors and the ability to learn or in the field of vocational skills, technology and industry and seems specifically men prepared to become a major player in world production. Meanwhile, more women prepared to carry out the role of adjuvant, for example, a management and technology, well-tanggaan. Improvements in the system of curriculum content to ensure the realization of gender equality education berperspektif, AT-AT eliminate gender bias in education, especially in the mengkombinasi-going between the rights and obligations of men and women.

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